- I'm Yihsuan Hung.
- I'm a Front-End Engineer.
Feel free to take a look at my personal information and latest web projects.
About me
“ All things before maturity has a bitter taste. ”
“ 凡事在成熟之前,都是帶有苦味的。 ”
After graduation, I started learning programming with online courses. Also, I applied my design background to programming and had worked at a software company as a front-end development. For my indefatigable and fast-learning capacity, my supervisor always gave me a chance to be involved in developing new features. In future, I will not only devote time and effort in front-end but also try to learn back-end knowledge.
▋ My Experience
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
Creative Design
9月 2013 - 6月 2017
Sep 2013 - June 2017
- 產學合作
- Industry-academia collaborations
- 擔任管理者
- Leader of 100 staffs
During school time, I have completed 20+
industry-academia collaborations with a team.
I learned a lot about user-interview and teamwork from this precious experience.
In my graduation year, I was the event coordinator for the graduation project exhibition of Design Facaulty. I did manpower planning with nearly 100 staffs. This experience has greatly improved my communication and management skills.
Running Biji
Front-End Engineer
12月 2019 - 5月 2020
Dec 2019 - May 2020
- 商品頁的介面調整
- 購物車和管理者功能開發
- 一頁式網站的SEO
- Redesigned and develope ecommerce web page
- Develope shoppingcart and order management system.
- Optimizied a single-page application SEO
Redesigned and developed the web page to improve user experience. As a result, it had increased the average time that website visitors remain on site.
Collaborated with product team members to implement new feature developments of shoppong cart and order management system.
Use meta tags to make content discoverable and quality. Also, I optimizied website more mobile-friendly.
KunYou Technology Co, LTD
Front-End Engineer
6月 2020 - 3月 2021
June 2020 - March 2021
- UI/UX設計
- 系統分析和規劃
- 前端開發
- UI/UX design
- System analysis and Design
- Usign Angular8 to develop
使用Angular 8搭配Angular Material UI Component Prime-NG,獨立開發三個子系統前台功能。
Used Figma to handle all web design. Gathered all project requirements with 95% fidelity to client needs.
Collaborated with back-end engineer to identifying the problems and planning a new business system or replacing an existing system.
Using Angular8 with Angular UI Component Library -PrimeNG to build 5 projects.
▋ What Skiils I have
Other skills and tools
Illustrator Photoshop Figma Git Gulp Rxjs Typescript Bootstrap▋ Latest Works
Biji e-Commerce
Company Products
Implementing Responsive Web Design. Redesigned and develope ecommerce web page.
Sass PHP Javascript Gulp
IRMS(Intelligent Resource Matching Service)
Company Projects
客戶前台、清除業者後台和駕駛app介面設計和規劃; 客戶平台功能開發。
IRMS is a platform that matching the junk removal services and customers who want to get rid of junk. In this project,I was in charge of planning the user flow , developing landing page and developing admin dashboard.
SCSS Angular8 RESTful API Material UI Swagger
Intelligent Jail management system
Company Projects
Designed the system UI, crafting user flow.
Figma Adobe Illustrator Photoshop
Company's ERP
Company Projects
並且獨立開發其中2個子系統的前台,串接100+ api。
Build five modules of ERP with colleague, include :
1.Accounting and financial management
2.Workforce Management
3.Human Resources management
4.Order Management
5.Customer Relationship Management

Weather App
Side Project
使用React Hooks開發,串接中央氣象局API,在app中可以獲取各地即時的天氣資訊。
Build weather application with React and React Hooks.Use APIs from Central Weather Bureau.
Sass React Hook axios
React Login with Firebase
Side Project
透過React Hook搭配Redux開發登入的authentication,並以Firebase建置後端服務。
Build a react application that you must to login to your account to post projects. Handling user authentication with Firebase and Redux.
Sass React Hook Redux react-bootstrap react-router Formik Firebase▋ My Anticipation
加深對Javascript框架的理解 Deepen understanding of Javascript of framework.
之前任職公司主要使用angular,考量到react求職機會和社群熱度,所以嘗試寫了react,未來也不排斥學習新的框架技術。 兩者都讓我感受到框架的強大,之後會透過寫sideproject或和其他人討論,加深框架的理解,以期在框架中創造出好維護、穩定性高的程式。
As a front-end engineer , We not only focus on webpage loading efficiency and user experience, but also need to focus on website security.In previous work, I have’nt had a chance to work on web security.Before long I will spend some time wrting a program to defend against information security attacks.
加強網路和資訊安全相關知識 Gain knowledge of web security.
As a front-end engineer , We not only focus on webpage loading efficiency and user experience, but also need to focus on website security.In previous work, I have’nt had a chance to work on web security.Before long I will spend some time wrting a program to defend against information security attacks.
實踐Unit Testing,並以TDD方式為目標 Do Unit Testing in TDD(Testing in Test Driven.
前份工作於專案公司任職,但因為時程通常都很趕,程式在沒有時間測試下容易出現不穩定、不可預測的狀況,當時就決定未來一定要好好的學習寫測試,這樣才能確保程式的高品質,未來希望也能習慣寫TDD方式的測試,加速程式開發。 目前有自己練習寫過一些Jest和Mocha的測試。
Unit testsing is essential to maintain the software quality. I had done some practices in Jest and Mocha. In my spare time, I will keep learning unit tesing through online courses and do some sideprojects so that I can implement unit testing in my future projects.
實踐Clean Code風格 Practice “Clean Code” style.
讀了《Clean Code》這本書後,我了解到成為優秀的工程師需要這些知識和概念。書籍裡面涉略很廣,有部分甚至我從未實際接觸過,所以我將書籍的內容分成三類,第一類是「理解且可以實踐的」;「第二類為理解但不確定如何實踐的」; 第三類為「目前不太理解且不知道如何實踐」,未來希望可以逐漸理解並實作完書籍內提到的概念。
I recently read the book "Clean Code".
The book covers a wide range of topics, some of which I barely know.
Thus, I divided the content into three categories and will study them step bt step. In the future, I hope that I will master all content.